21 & Counting: The Painting Center Turns 21
Exhibition Dates: November 25 - December 20, 2014
Reception: Friday, December 12, 6 - 9 pm
The Painting Center is pleased to announce a benefit exhibition and party to celebrate a significant milestone—its 21st anniversary. For 21 years The Painting Center has been dedicated to deepening the conversation about painting by providing exhibition opportunities for emerging, mid-career, and under-recognized artists as well as through public lectures, an online artist registry, and internship opportunities. By mounting consistently high quality, rigorous, and thoughtful exhibitions, The Painting Center has gained a reputation as a serious and relevant venue for contemporary painting. 21 & Counting brings together works of 300 artists from the New York area and as far afield as Texas, California, and Canada. These artists are participating in this event as a show of support for the important work The Painting Center does, and to help ensure its continued viability. A preview of works in the exhibition will be accessible online through The Painting Center website. 50% of all sales will go to support The Painting Center’s programs. Please come and view what is sure to be a dynamite exhibition and celebrate with us on December 12th!
Artists include: Deidre Adams, Cande Aguilar, Arista Alanis, John Allen, Vincent Arcilesi, Rosaire Appel, Carla Aurich, Flavia Bacarrella, Pat Badt, Alix Bailey, Nancy Baker, Rita Baragona, Polina Barskaya, Robert Barthelmes, Paul Baumann, Thomas Berding, Siri Berg, Emily Berger, Martha Bergman, Betty Wilde-Biasiny, Mariella Bisson, Sharon Brant, Farrell Brickhouse, Mona Brody, Deborah Brown, Petey Brown, Sukey Bryan, Robert Bunkin, Jennifer Caine, Caren Canier, David Carbone, Simon Carr, Susan Carr, Jacob Cartwright, Galen Cheney, Amy Cheng, Susan Cohen, Paul Collins, Fletcher Copp, Jonathan Cowan, Jane Culp, Brian Cypher, Isobel Davis, Kate Davis, Stephanie DeManuelle, Claire Desjardins, Mary DeVincentis, Carol Diamond, Cathy Diamond, Matthew Dibble, Lois Dickson, Benjamin Duke, Teresa Dunn, Marjorie Hunt Van Dyke, Rachael Eastman, Tina Eisenbeis, Terry Ekasala, Kate Emlen, Robert Otto Epstein, Allison Evans, Gwen Fabricant, Pamela Farrell, Laurie Fendrich, Harriet Finck, Nancy Flanagan, Sophia Flood, Douglas Florian, Christina Foard, Leslie Ford, Monique Ford, Susan Fortgang, David Fratkin, Deborah Freedman, Joanne Freeman, Barbara Friedman, Iona Fromboluti, Marianne Gagnier, Kyle Gallup, Heather Garland, Daniel Genadry, Celia Gerard, Philip Gerstein, Cora Jane Glasser, Margaret Glew, Marilyn Gold, John Goodrich, Michael Goodwin, Dana Gordon, Reuben Gordon, Alyce Gottesman, Dan Gottesegen, Francesca Greene, Nancy Grimes, Julie Gross, Melinda Hackett, Catherine Haggarty, Shawn Hall, Ruth Hardinger, Steven Harris, Joseph Haske, Elizabeth Hazan, Kylie Heidenheimer, Paula Heisen, Neddi Heller, Alisa Henriquez, Molly Herman, Yedidya Hershberg, Aimee Hertog, Leslie Hertzog, Lisa Hess Hesselgrave, Steve Hicks, Robert Hickman, Daniel G. Hill, Ruth Hillier, Callie Hirsch, Bill Hochhausen, Doug Holst, William Holton, Phillis Ideal, Blinn Jacobs, Dana James, Elisa Jensen, Robert Jessel, Suejin Jo, Celia Johnson, Cassie Jones, Selina Josephs, Karen Kaapcke, Chris Kahler, Cecily Kahn, Deborah Kahn, Suzanne Laura Kammin, Dana Kane, Gloria Karlson, Claudia Keep, Samantha Talbot-Kelly, Gwendolyn Kerber, Michele Kishita, Rick Klauber, Iona Kleinhaut, Robert Kogge, Tim Kennedy, Richard Kooyman, Victor Kord, Harriet Korman, Lynn Kotula, Ellen Kozak, Melanie Kozol, Barron Krody, Margaret Krug, Mark Kurdziel, Richard LaPresti, Mark LaRiviere, Benjamin Larocco, Rebecca Last, Barbara Laube, Kerry Law, Pamela Lawton, Ronna Lebo, Catherine LeCleire, Orlando Leyba, Ying Li, David Linneweh, Meg Lipke, Darlene Livingston, Ro Lohin, David Loncle, Robert Ludwig, Sally Lutz, Sarah Lutz, Kathryn Lynch, Jodie Manasevit, Patrick Mangan, Craig Manister, Denise D. Manseau, Nancy Manter, Eliot Markell, Lee Marshall, Susan Mastrangelo, Robert McCann, Margaret McCann, Claire McConaughy, Claudia McNulty, Jenny Lynn McNutt, Jackie Meier, Margery Mellman, Joan Mellon, Lieby Miedema, Rifka Milder, Lizbeth Mitty, David Mollett, Jessica Mongeon, Narcisco Montero, Joe Morzuch, Patrick Neal, Margaret Neill, Susan Newbold, Marjan Nirou Saniee, Sally Novak, Janice Nowinski, Gina Occhiogrosso, Lynnanne O'Connor, Mark O'Grady, Francis O'Shea, Nancy Olivier, Fran O'Neill, Elizabeth O'Reilly, Rob de Oude, Victoria Pacimeo, Andrea Packard, Alex Paik, Sophie Friedman-Pappas, Melanie Parke, Linnea Paskow, Carrie Patterson, Gelah Penn, Al Peters, Neil Plotkin, Esther Podemski, David Pollack, Susan Post, Jamie Powell, James Prez, Langdon Quin, Thaddeus Radell, Bosiljka Raditsa, Catherine Ramey, Colleen Randall, Elizabeth Reagh, Scott Reeds, James Patrick Reid, Celia Reisman, David Rich, Enrico Riley, Marcy Rosenblat, Claire Rosenfeld, Susan Ross, Jo Ann Rothschild, Danila Rumold, Anne Russinof, Jane Sangerman, Karen Schifano, Mary Schiliro, Bianca Schreiber, Claire Seidl, Edward Shalala, Fran Shalom, Nancy Simonds, Katherine Shortridge, Unju Sim, Kim Sloane, Breck Smith, Patricia Spergel, Melissa Starke, Melissa Stern, Rita Stern, Gwen Strahle, Ilene Sunshine, Dov Talpaz, Jessica Tam, Jenny Tango, Esme Thompson, John Tomlinson, Julie Torres, Jeanne Tremel, Jannell Turner, Marilyn Turtz, Evelyn Twitchell, Boris Tyomkin, Josette Urso, Kathleen Vaccaro, Marianne Van Lent, Louisa Waber, Joy Walker, Kit Warren, Jennifer Watson, Jeffrey Way, Patrick Webb, Mark Webber, Anker West, Mark Wethli, Lauren Whearty, Grant Whipple, Michael Wille, Forrest Williams, Douglas Wirls, Joyce Yamada, Elizabeth Yamin, Jave Yoshimoto, Tamar Zinn, Abby Zonies, Lia Zuvilivia.
The Painting Center would like to specially thank Bottino, Fairway, Costco, Trader Joe's and Hotel Americano for their donations to 21st Anniversary Exhibition.